Hat Care

Our custom patches are bonded onto each hat using high strength adhesive that is designed to give you long term use. But when it comes to cleaning, many wonder: can these hats withstand washing? And how should one address sweat stains or odors?

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that wetting and subsequent drying can lead to patch shrinkage and drying out. Dark stains typically arise from natural oils in the skin and hair rather than sweat. These oils, unavoidable and stemming from the body's natural processes, become absorbed into the fabric over time.

Lighter, salty sweat stains with white edges are common occurrences, particularly in warmer months when sun protection is paramount. While it might be tempting to through your hat in the washing machine, we do not recommend it; the vigorous cycles of washing machines can and will irreparably damage them.

When the patches get wet, their oils bind to water molecules. As water evaporates, it draws out these oils, resulting in loss of suppleness and brittleness. Custom patches absorb water, oil, and detergent differently, developing a patina over time. Avoiding excessive abrasion, wetness, or heat is crucial to maintaining the integrity of patch.

We advise air-drying if hats get soaked or submerged. For cleaning, a gentle approach is best. Harsh chemicals, soaps, or alcohol can weaken the patch-to-hat bond. Instead, a natural solution of baking soda and vinegar proves effective. Creating a paste and applying it to stains before rinsing with cold water can help maintain hat quality.

Regular spot cleaning is essential to prevent permanent fading caused by sweat and oil stains. Depending on wear frequency and intensity, the lifespan of each hat will vary. Preserving your brands public image is paramount. If a hat becomes too soiled or stained, replacing it is often the best course of action.  

It's important to note that while we offer cleaning suggestions, we cannot guarantee their efficacy. Factors such as wear, treatment, and environmental conditions can influence hat longevity. Our hats are not intended for washing or submersion; spot cleaning without harsh chemicals is recommended to preserve their quality. Many of our clients' hats remain in pristine condition for years, a testament to proper care and handling.